
Archive for the ‘Faith & Values’ Category


February 15th, 2012 1 comment

The time of the anti-christ is here. The judgements of GOD will be poured out upon the earth and mankind. It is here. God has warned us about this in his Holy word. He has warned us by the prophets of yesterday and today. Have you not heard the warnings? Have you not felt the burning desire in your hearts to turn to God?

Make your choice. Time is up. Eternity in Hell or Eternity in Heaven. Jesus saves you from your sins. The punishment for sins is Death. Death is Hell. We are redeemed back to our Heavenly Father the Creator of Heaven and Earth by the blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is by the mercy of Almighty God that his judgements have not been poured out as of yet. HOWEVER, the time has come. There will be no more delay.

Having doubts about what you are reading? Read his WORD! REPENT or be left behind to face a fierce enemy who will devour you.  It’s going to happen whether you believe or not. It is coming. Get READY! Call upon the name of the LORD JESUS while he can still be found. He’s waiting. Time is running out. Call upon his name for we are living in the END TIMES.

Heavenly Father, I come before you in the name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. King of Kings. Lord of Lords. I ask that the people who read this shall call upon your name. Repenting of thier sins and recieving in thier hearts Jesus Christ as thier Lord and Savior. The time is now. The day of salvation is today. May your joy, your peace, your love, your understanding and all fruits of the Holy Spirit pour out upon them. Set them free. Cleanse them with the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Fill them with your Holy Spirt as they surrender all to you Lord. In Jesus name. Amen!

We will never know the exact time or day or month or year of the coming of the Lord Jesus. However, it is very, very, NEAR! Jesus said that only the Father in Heaven knows the time set by HIS authority. When it’s time GOD will give the signal and Jesus will come for his Bride. GOD does not need the planets to line up in a certain manner, a tornado to hit here or there, and even an eclipse to occur before he gives the signal. We serve a MIGHTY GOD. He created the Heavens and the Earth. Don’t you think he can turn the sun into darkness or the moon into blood red by his own authority? Stop trying to “FIGURE” out when the rapture will take place and come to a true repentance of sins.

If the exact year, month, day, hour, minute and second was given to you. Would you BELIEVE???

Call upon the name of the Lord through FASTING and PRAYER. Today! RIGHT NOW!! No matter what you have done or where you have been the blood of Jesus can wash away the sins you have commited. The name of Jesus is above all names and all things. God sent his son to EARTH from HEAVEN to be a SIN offering. Hebrews 10:5 That is why, when Christ came into the world, he said to God,  “You did not want animal sacrifices or sin offerings. But you have given me a body to offer. 6 You were not pleased with burnt offerings  or other offerings for sin. 7 Then I said, ‘Look, I have come to do your will, O God— as is written about me in the Scriptures.’” Jesus is the attoining sacrifice for all of our sins. Satan has decieved millions. However there is a way out of Satan’s grasp and that is through the blood of Jesus. Won’t you start your relationship with Jesus today? He’s waiting for you to call upon his name. He has always been there waiting for you to call out to him. Call upon the name of Jesus Christ who is the Savior of the World. Surrender all to him. A full surrender of your dreams, your children, your work, your plans, and surrender all to Jesus and make Jesus your PLAN today!

HOW TO BE SAVED. Pray this prayer speaking these words.

Heavenly Father, Forgive me of my sins, I believe in Jesus who you sent to die for my sins. I believe he died on the cross, rose to life on the third day, ascended into heaven 40 days later and sits at your right hand. I proclaim Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior now and forever more. I surrender all to you Lord. JESUS SAVE ME from HELL. Save me from my sins. Fill me with your Holy Spirit and I bind and rebuke all works of the devil in my life and my families lives. I plead the blood of Jesus over myself and my family. Open our eyes to your truth, your living word and thank you for your free gift of salvation. In Jesus name. AMEN!

Pray consistantly everyday. You are now saved and a reborn christian. Talk to  Jesus. Read his word. Surrender all to him daily asking for discernment, opened eyes, a full lamp (Holy Spirit), a clean heart, and the washing of his blood. Forgive others for the things (sins) they have committed against you. FORGIVE! This is very important. You must forgive for your Heavenly Father has forgiven you. Forgive.

Be a follower of Jesus not only a believer.

Now get yourself the Holy Bible and begin reading the word of God daily while there is still time. If you don’t know where to start reading start with the book of John and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you. Listen and Wait patiently on the Lord. If you don’t have access to a Holy Bible you can read online. Online Holy Bible

Now that you are redeemed back to GOD through Jesus. Put on the full armor of God (ephesians 6:10) and prepare for battle.  You are now saved, a reborn christian and this will make Satan EXTREMELY angry. Prepare for battle. He will attack you! When this happens call upon the name of the Lord and he will help you. He will strengthen you through his word and his Holy Spirit. You belong to him now. Call upon his name and remember to fully surrender to Jesus and put your HOPE, TRUST  and FAITH in Jesus Christ the risen Savior. Satan will attack using various tactics. He’s had thousands of years to master his techniques. For example, If you start having demonic thoughts then say out loud with your voice. “I rebuke those thoughts in JESUS name!!! Go tell it to Jesus.”  Satan and his demons must flee at the name of Jesus. They will flee. Replace those thoughts with the word of God and the fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit daily.

Trust Jesus and start a relationship with him today. NOW!


Heavenly Father, I ask that those who come before you with a repentant heart and accept Jesus Christ as thier Lord and Savior that your JOY, your PEACE, your LOVE are poured out on them. I Bind the works of the devil in their lives and thier families lives in Jesus name. I ask of your blessings and favor to pour out upon them. Fill them with your Holy Spirit. Cleanse them with the blood of Jesus. Cleanse thier minds, hearts and give them discernment. Cleanse thier garment; no spot, no wrinkle and no blemish shall not be found on them. May they hunger for your Holy word daily and putting on the full armor of God. In the GLORIOUS name of Jesus Christ I pray. AMEN!

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A Message for the Nations

February 14th, 2012 No comments

Isaiah 34

A Message for the Nations

1 Come here and listen, O nations of the earth.
Let the world and everything in it hear my words.
2 For the LORD is enraged against the nations.
His fury is against all their armies.
He will completely destroy them,
dooming them to slaughter.
3 Their dead will be left unburied,
and the stench of rotting bodies will fill the land.
The mountains will flow with their blood.
4 The heavens above will melt away
and disappear like a rolled-up scroll.
The stars will fall from the sky
like withered leaves from a grapevine,
or shriveled figs from a fig tree.

5 And when my sword has finished its work in the heavens,
it will fall upon Edom,
the nation I have marked for destruction.
6 The sword of the LORD is drenched with blood
and covered with fat—
with the blood of lambs and goats,
with the fat of rams prepared for sacrifice.
Yes, the LORD will offer a sacrifice in the city of Bozrah.
He will make a mighty slaughter in Edom.
7 Even men as strong as wild oxen will die—
the young men alongside the veterans.
The land will be soaked with blood
and the soil enriched with fat.

8 For it is the day of the LORD’s revenge,
the year when Edom will be paid back for all it did to Israel.
9 The streams of Edom will be filled with burning pitch,
and the ground will be covered with fire.
10 This judgment on Edom will never end;
the smoke of its burning will rise forever.
The land will lie deserted from generation to generation.
No one will live there anymore.
11 It will be haunted by the desert owl and the screech owl,
the great owl and the raven.
For God will measure that land carefully;
he will measure it for chaos and destruction.
12 It will be called the Land of Nothing,
and all its nobles will soon be gone.
13 Thorns will overrun its palaces;
nettles and thistles will grow in its forts.
The ruins will become a haunt for jackals
and a home for owls.
14 Desert animals will mingle there with hyenas,
their howls filling the night.
Wild goats will bleat at one another among the ruins,
and night creatures will come there to rest.
15 There the owl will make her nest and lay her eggs.
She will hatch her young and cover them with her wings.
And the buzzards will come,
each one with its mate.

16 Search the book of the LORD,
and see what he will do.
Not one of these birds and animals will be missing,
and none will lack a mate,
for the LORD has promised this.
His Spirit will make it all come true.
17 He has surveyed and divided the land
and deeded it over to those creatures.
They will possess it forever,
from generation to generation.

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John 3:16

February 13th, 2012 No comments

John 3

16 “For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.

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Praise for Judgment and Salvation

February 10th, 2012 No comments

Isaiah 25

Praise for Judgment and Salvation

1 O LORD, I will honor and praise your name,
for you are my God.
You do such wonderful things!
You planned them long ago,
and now you have accomplished them.
2 You turn mighty cities into heaps of ruins.
Cities with strong walls are turned to rubble.
Beautiful palaces in distant lands disappear
and will never be rebuilt.
3 Therefore, strong nations will declare your glory;
ruthless nations will fear you.

4 But you are a tower of refuge to the poor, O LORD,
a tower of refuge to the needy in distress.
You are a refuge from the storm
and a shelter from the heat.
For the oppressive acts of ruthless people
are like a storm beating against a wall,
5 or like the relentless heat of the desert.
But you silence the roar of foreign nations.
As the shade of a cloud cools relentless heat,
so the boastful songs of ruthless people are stilled.

6 In Jerusalem, the LORD of Heaven’s Armies
will spread a wonderful feast
for all the people of the world.
It will be a delicious banquet
with clear, well-aged wine and choice meat.
7 There he will remove the cloud of gloom,
the shadow of death that hangs over the earth.
8 He will swallow up death forever!
The Sovereign LORD will wipe away all tears.
He will remove forever all insults and mockery
against his land and people.
The LORD has spoken!

9 In that day the people will proclaim,
“This is our God!
We trusted in him, and he saved us!
This is the LORD, in whom we trusted.
Let us rejoice in the salvation he brings!”
10 For the LORD’s hand of blessing will rest on Jerusalem.
But Moab will be crushed.
It will be like straw trampled down and left to rot.
11 God will push down Moab’s people
as a swimmer pushes down water with his hands.
He will end their pride
and all their evil works.
12 The high walls of Moab will be demolished.
They will be brought down to the ground,
down into the dust.

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A Song of Praise to the LORD

February 10th, 2012 No comments

Isaiah 26

A Song of Praise to the LORD

1 In that day, everyone in the land of Judah will sing this song:

Our city is strong!
We are surrounded by the walls of God’s salvation.
2 Open the gates to all who are righteous;
allow the faithful to enter.
3 You will keep in perfect peace
all who trust in you,
all whose thoughts are fixed on you!
4 Trust in the LORD always,
for the LORD GOD is the eternal Rock.
5 He humbles the proud
and brings down the arrogant city.
He brings it down to the dust.
6 The poor and oppressed trample it underfoot,
and the needy walk all over it.

7 But for those who are righteous,
the way is not steep and rough.
You are a God who does what is right,
and you smooth out the path ahead of them.
8 LORD, we show our trust in you by obeying your laws;
our heart’s desire is to glorify your name.
9 All night long I search for you;
in the morning I earnestly seek for God.
For only when you come to judge the earth
will people learn what is right.
10 Your kindness to the wicked
does not make them do good.
Although others do right, the wicked keep doing wrong
and take no notice of the LORD’s majesty.
11 O LORD, they pay no attention to your upraised fist.
Show them your eagerness to defend your people.
Then they will be ashamed.
Let your fire consume your enemies.

12 LORD, you will grant us peace;
all we have accomplished is really from you.
13 O LORD our God, others have ruled us,
but you alone are the one we worship.
14 Those we served before are dead and gone.
Their departed spirits will never return!
You attacked them and destroyed them,
and they are long forgotten.
15 O LORD, you have made our nation great;
yes, you have made us great.
You have extended our borders,
and we give you the glory!

16 LORD, in distress we searched for you.
We prayed beneath the burden of your discipline.
17 Just as a pregnant woman
writhes and cries out in pain as she gives birth,
so were we in your presence, LORD.
18 We, too, writhe in agony,
but nothing comes of our suffering.
We have not given salvation to the earth,
nor brought life into the world.
19 But those who die in the LORD will live;
their bodies will rise again!
Those who sleep in the earth
will rise up and sing for joy!
For your life-giving light will fall like dew
on your people in the place of the dead!

Restoration for Israel

20 Go home, my people,
and lock your doors!
Hide yourselves for a little while
until the LORD’s anger has passed.
21 Look! The LORD is coming from heaven
to punish the people of the earth for their sins.
The earth will no longer hide those who have been killed.
They will be brought out for all to see.

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Sing to the Lord

February 6th, 2012 No comments

Psalm 25

Of David.

4 Show me your ways, LORD,
teach me your paths.
5 Guide me in your truth and teach me,
for you are God my Savior,
and my hope is in you all day long.

Psalm 32

Of David. A maskil.

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
    I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.
Do not be like the horse or the mule,
    which have no understanding
but must be controlled by bit and bridle
    or they will not come to you.
10 Many are the woes of the wicked,
    but the Lord’s unfailing love
    surrounds the one who trusts in him.

11 Rejoice in the Lord and be glad, you righteous;
    sing, all you who are upright in heart!

Psalm 33

1 Sing joyfully to the LORD, you righteous;
it is fitting for the upright to praise him.
2 Praise the LORD with the harp;
make music to him on the ten-stringed lyre.
3 Sing to him a new song;
play skillfully, and shout for joy.

4 For the word of the LORD is right and true;
he is faithful in all he does.
5 The LORD loves righteousness and justice;
the earth is full of his unfailing love.

6 By the word of the LORD the heavens were made,
their starry host by the breath of his mouth.
7 He gathers the waters of the sea into jars;
he puts the deep into storehouses.
8 Let all the earth fear the LORD;
let all the people of the world revere him.
9 For he spoke, and it came to be;
he commanded, and it stood firm.

10 The LORD foils the plans of the nations;
he thwarts the purposes of the peoples.
11 But the plans of the LORD stand firm forever,
the purposes of his heart through all generations.

12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD,
the people he chose for his inheritance.
13 From heaven the LORD looks down
and sees all mankind;
14 from his dwelling place he watches
all who live on earth—
15 he who forms the hearts of all,
who considers everything they do.

16 No king is saved by the size of his army;
no warrior escapes by his great strength.
17 A horse is a vain hope for deliverance;
despite all its great strength it cannot save.
18 But the eyes of the LORD are on those who fear him,
on those whose hope is in his unfailing love,
19 to deliver them from death
and keep them alive in famine.

20 We wait in hope for the LORD;
he is our help and our shield.
21 In him our hearts rejoice,
for we trust in his holy name.
22 May your unfailing love be with us, LORD,
even as we put our hope in you.

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False Teaching and True Riches

February 4th, 2012 1 comment

1 Timothy 6

1 All slaves should show full respect for their masters so they will not bring shame on the name of God and his teaching. 2 If the masters are believers, that is no excuse for being disrespectful. Those slaves should work all the harder because their efforts are helping other believers who are well loved.

False Teaching and True Riches

Teach these things, Timothy, and encourage everyone to obey them. 3 Some people may contradict our teaching, but these are the wholesome teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. These teachings promote a godly life. 4 Anyone who teaches something different is arrogant and lacks understanding. Such a person has an unhealthy desire to quibble over the meaning of words. This stirs up arguments ending in jealousy, division, slander, and evil suspicions. 5These people always cause trouble. Their minds are corrupt, and they have turned their backs on the truth. To them, a show of godliness is just a way to become wealthy.

6 Yet true godliness with contentment is itself great wealth. 7 After all, we brought nothing with us when we came into the world, and we can’t take anything with us when we leave it. 8So if we have enough food and clothing, let us be content.

9 But people who long to be rich fall into temptation and are trapped by many foolish and harmful desires that plunge them into ruin and destruction. 10For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. And some people, craving money, have wandered from the true faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows.

Paul’s Final Instructions

11 But you, Timothy, are a man of God; so run from all these evil things. Pursue righteousness and a godly life, along with faith, love, perseverance, and gentleness. 12 Fight the good fight for the true faith. Hold tightly to the eternal life to which God has called you, which you have confessed so well before many witnesses. 13 And I charge you before God, who gives life to all, and before Christ Jesus, who gave a good testimony before Pontius Pilate, 14 that you obey this command without wavering. Then no one can find fault with you from now until our Lord Jesus Christ comes again. 15 For at just the right time Christ will be revealed from heaven by the blessed and only almighty God, the King of all kings and Lord of all lords. 16He alone can never die, and he lives in light so brilliant that no human can approach him. No human eye has ever seen him, nor ever will. All honor and power to him forever! Amen.

17 Teach those who are rich in this world not to be proud and not to trust in their money, which is so unreliable. Their trust should be in God, who richly gives us all we need for our enjoyment. 18 Tell them to use their money to do good. They should be rich in good works and generous to those in need, always being ready to share with others. 19By doing this they will be storing up their treasure as a good foundation for the future so that they may experience true life.

20 Timothy, guard what God has entrusted to you. Avoid godless, foolish discussions with those who oppose you with their so-called knowledge. 21Some people have wandered from the faith by following such foolishness.

May God’s grace be with you all.

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Salvation Is for Everyone

January 31st, 2012 No comments

Romans 10

1 Dear brothers and sisters, the longing of my heart and my prayer to God is for the people of Israel to be saved. 2 I know what enthusiasm they have for God, but it is misdirected zeal. 3 For they don’t understand God’s way of making people right with himself. Refusing to accept God’s way, they cling to their own way of getting right with God by trying to keep the law. 4 For Christ has already accomplished the purpose for which the law was given. As a result, all who believe in him are made right with God.

Salvation Is for Everyone

5 For Moses writes that the law’s way of making a person right with God requires obedience to all of its commands. 6 But faith’s way of getting right with God says, “Don’t say in your heart, ‘Who will go up to heaven?’ (to bring Christ down to earth). 7 And don’t say, ‘Who will go down to the place of the dead?’ (to bring Christ back to life again).” 8 In fact, it says,

“The message is very close at hand;
it is on your lips and in your heart.”

And that message is the very message about faith that we preach: 9 If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by confessing with your mouth that you are saved. 11 As the Scriptures tell us, “Anyone who trusts in him will never be disgraced.” 12 Jew and Gentile are the same in this respect. They have the same Lord, who gives generously to all who call on him. 13 For “Everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved.”

14 But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? 15 And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? That is why the Scriptures say, “How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!”

16 But not everyone welcomes the Good News, for Isaiah the prophet said, “LORD, who has believed our message?” 17 So faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing the Good News about Christ. 18 But I ask, have the people of Israel actually heard the message? Yes, they have:

“The message has gone throughout the earth,
and the words to all the world.”

19 But I ask, did the people of Israel really understand? Yes, they did, for even in the time of Moses, God said,

“I will rouse your jealousy through people who are not even a nation.
I will provoke your anger through the foolish Gentiles.”

20 And later Isaiah spoke boldly for God, saying,

“I was found by people who were not looking for me.
I showed myself to those who were not asking for me.”

21 But regarding Israel, God said,

“All day long I opened my arms to them,
but they were disobedient and rebellious.”

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Song of Solomon 1

January 25th, 2012 No comments

Song of Solomon 1

1 This is Solomon’s song of songs, more wonderful than any other.

Young Woman

2 Kiss me and kiss me again,
for your love is sweeter than wine.
3 How fragrant your cologne;
your name is like its spreading fragrance.
No wonder all the young women love you!
4 Take me with you; come, let’s run!
The king has brought me into his bedroom.

Young Women of Jerusalem

How happy we are for you, O king.
We praise your love even more than wine.

Young Woman

How right they are to adore you.

5 I am dark but beautiful,
O women of Jerusalem—
dark as the tents of Kedar,
dark as the curtains of Solomon’s tents.
6 Don’t stare at me because I am dark—
the sun has darkened my skin.
My brothers were angry with me;
they forced me to care for their vineyards,
so I couldn’t care for myself—my own vineyard.

7 Tell me, my love, where are you leading your flock today?
Where will you rest your sheep at noon?
For why should I wander like a prostitute
among your friends and their flocks?

Young Man

8 If you don’t know, O most beautiful woman,
follow the trail of my flock,
and graze your young goats by the shepherds’ tents.
9 You are as exciting, my darling,
as a mare among Pharaoh’s stallions.
10 How lovely are your cheeks;
your earrings set them afire!
How lovely is your neck,
enhanced by a string of jewels.
11 We will make for you earrings of gold
and beads of silver.

Young Woman

12 The king is lying on his couch,
enchanted by the fragrance of my perfume.
13 My lover is like a sachet of myrrh
lying between my breasts.
14 He is like a bouquet of sweet henna blossoms
from the vineyards of En-gedi.

Young Man

15 How beautiful you are, my darling,
how beautiful!
Your eyes are like doves.

Young Woman

16 You are so handsome, my love,
pleasing beyond words!
The soft grass is our bed;
17 fragrant cedar branches are the beams of our house,
and pleasant smelling firs are the rafters.

Categories: Faith & Values Tags:

Song of Solomon 2

January 25th, 2012 No comments

Song of Solomon 2

Young Woman

1 I am the spring crocus blooming on the Sharon Plain,
the lily of the valley.

Young Man

2 Like a lily among thistles
is my darling among young women.

Young Woman

3 Like the finest apple tree in the orchard
is my lover among other young men.
I sit in his delightful shade
and taste his delicious fruit.
4 He escorts me to the banquet hall;
it’s obvious how much he loves me.
5 Strengthen me with raisin cakes,
refresh me with apples,
for I am weak with love.
6 His left arm is under my head,
and his right arm embraces me.

7 Promise me, O women of Jerusalem,
by the gazelles and wild deer,
not to awaken love until the time is right.

8 Ah, I hear my lover coming!
He is leaping over the mountains,
bounding over the hills.
9 My lover is like a swift gazelle
or a young stag.
Look, there he is behind the wall,
looking through the window,
peering into the room.

10 My lover said to me,
“Rise up, my darling!
Come away with me, my fair one!
11 Look, the winter is past,
and the rains are over and gone.
12 The flowers are springing up,
the season of singing birds has come,
and the cooing of turtledoves fills the air.
13 The fig trees are forming young fruit,
and the fragrant grapevines are blossoming.
Rise up, my darling!
Come away with me, my fair one!”

Young Man

14 My dove is hiding behind the rocks,
behind an outcrop on the cliff.
Let me see your face;
let me hear your voice.
For your voice is pleasant,
and your face is lovely.

Young Women of Jerusalem

15 Catch all the foxes,
those little foxes,
before they ruin the vineyard of love,
for the grapevines are blossoming!

Young Woman

16 My lover is mine, and I am his.
He browses among the lilies.
17 Before the dawn breezes blow
and the night shadows flee,
return to me, my love, like a gazelle
or a young stag on the rugged mountains.

Categories: Faith & Values Tags: